Sycomp reconhecida no CRN's 2025 MSP 500 na categoria Elite 150
FOSTER CITY, Calif., February 10, 2025 — Sycomp A Technology Company, Inc., announced today that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has…...
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Sycomp arquiteta solução que melhora o desempenho e reduz os custos da plataforma ERP do provedor de plataforma de gerenciamento criativo global
Supporting a global network of digital creators with innovative, creative applications, requires a well-orchestrated system of high-performance computing (HPC) technologies…...
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Estudo de caso

Detecte, priorize e corrija os riscos de segurança na nuvem com o Sycomp para ambientes AWS
Enterprises need complete visibility into their AWS cloud environment and reliable tools to counter high-risk issues. Experience the dependability of…...
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Folha de dados

Vantagem global da Sycomp
Partnering with top-tier technology leaders, Sycomp tackles the toughest challenges for enterprise industries scaling technology to meet global demand. Our…...
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A interseção da observabilidade e da AIOps
In my previous blog post, I discussed the basics of Cloud Observability and its importance when developing and operating workloads…...
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Qual é o valor de uma revisão da estrutura bem arquitetada da AWS?
The Well-Architected Framework Review (WAFR) is an assessment based on a set of concepts, design principles and architectural best practices…....
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A Sycomp melhora o tempo de implantação de grandes implementações de data centers com logística de TI pronta para uso e conhecimento especializado em engenharia
In order to support various high-performance computing applications, AI, machine learning and comprehensive data analytics, this Sycomp customer requires a…...
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Estudo de caso

Sycomp recebe o prêmio Canalys 2024 Candefero Innovation Partner of the Year
FOSTER CITY, Calif., October 30, 2024 — Sycomp A Technology Company, Inc., was recognized for its technology expertise and presented with the Innovation…...
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Integração e implementação de rack de data center da Sycomp
Sycomp’s state-of-the-art Integration Centers located in North and South America, Asia and Europe are fully resourced with trained and certified…...
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Folha de dados

Soluções de segurança Sycomp
Sycomp Security Solutions empower global organizations with an enterprise security posture that enables the protection of critical information and data…...
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Folha de dados

Segurança Sycomp e Orca para ambientes AWS
The Orca Cloud Security Platform earned the AWS Built-In (ABI) Competency in collaboration with AWS engineers due to their integrative…...
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Folha de dados

Armazenamento Sycomp para computação de alto desempenho e IA
Sycomp Storage is a software-defined implementation and managed service offering that enables IT and Cloud teams to use different storage…...
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Folha de dados

Vantagem global da Sycomp
Sycomp starts every global project understanding the customer’s challenges and designs a solution that meets and exceeds their objectives with…...
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Folha de dados

Parceria estratégica da Sycomp com a Gilead em destaque na revista BOSS
We are pleased to share that Sycomp’s strategic partnership with Gilead Sciences has been featured in a case study in…...
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Estudo de caso

Entendendo a observabilidade: uma cartilha para usuários da AWS
As cloud computing continues to advance, ensuring the health and performance of your applications is crucial. While traditional monitoring tools…...
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CRN homenageia Allen Shahdadi como líder de canal inclusivo de 2024
FOSTER CITY, Calif., July 10, 2024 — Sycomp A Technology Company, Inc., announced today that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has…...
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Sycomp Warehousing & Logistics Services
Sycomp combines its IT professional and managed services with world-class warehousing and logistics capabilities, providing global IT and procurement teams…...
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Folha de dados

Sycomp resume o progresso de ESG no relatório 2023
FOSTER CITY, Calif., July 9, 2024 — Sycomp A Technology Company, Inc., released its 2023 Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Report underscoring the…...
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