Sycomp reconocido en la lista 2025 MSP 500 de CRN en la categoría Elite 150
FOSTER CITY, Calif., February 10, 2025 — Sycomp A Technology Company, Inc., announced today that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has…...
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Sycomp diseña una solución que mejora el rendimiento y reduce los costes de la plataforma ERP del proveedor de la plataforma global de gestión creativa
Supporting a global network of digital creators with innovative, creative applications, requires a well-orchestrated system of high-performance computing (HPC) technologies…...
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Estudio de caso

Detecte, priorice y corrija los riesgos de seguridad en la nube con Sycomp para entornos AWS
Enterprises need complete visibility into their AWS cloud environment and reliable tools to counter high-risk issues. Experience the dependability of…...
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Ficha de datos

La ventaja global de Sycomp
Partnering with top-tier technology leaders, Sycomp tackles the toughest challenges for enterprise industries scaling technology to meet global demand. Our…...
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La intersección de la observabilidad y las AIOps
In my previous blog post, I discussed the basics of Cloud Observability and its importance when developing and operating workloads…...
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¿Cuál es el valor de una revisión del marco de trabajo bien diseñado de AWS?
The Well-Architected Framework Review (WAFR) is an assessment based on a set of concepts, design principles and architectural best practices…....
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Sycomp mejora el tiempo de despliegue de grandes instalaciones de centros de datos con logística de TI llave en mano y experiencia en ingeniería especializada
In order to support various high-performance computing applications, AI, machine learning and comprehensive data analytics, this Sycomp customer requires a…...
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Estudio de caso

Sycomp recibe el premio Canalys 2024 Candefero Innovation Partner of the Year
FOSTER CITY, Calif., October 30, 2024 — Sycomp A Technology Company, Inc., was recognized for its technology expertise and presented with the Innovation…...
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Integración e implantación de racks para centros de datos Sycomp
Sycomp’s state-of-the-art Integration Centers located in North and South America, Asia and Europe are fully resourced with trained and certified…...
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Ficha de datos

Soluciones de seguridad Sycomp
Sycomp Security Solutions empower global organizations with an enterprise security posture that enables the protection of critical information and data…...
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Ficha de datos

Seguridad Sycomp y Orca para entornos AWS
The Orca Cloud Security Platform earned the AWS Built-In (ABI) Competency in collaboration with AWS engineers due to their integrative…...
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Ficha de datos

Almacenamiento Sycomp para informática de alto rendimiento e IA
Sycomp Storage is a software-defined implementation and managed service offering that enables IT and Cloud teams to use different storage…...
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Ficha de datos

Ventaja global de Sycomp
Sycomp starts every global project understanding the customer’s challenges and designs a solution that meets and exceeds their objectives with…...
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Ficha de datos

La asociación estratégica de Sycomp con Gilead aparece en la revista BOSS
We are pleased to share that Sycomp’s strategic partnership with Gilead Sciences has been featured in a case study in…...
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Estudio de caso

Entender la observabilidad: manual para usuarios de AWS
As cloud computing continues to advance, ensuring the health and performance of your applications is crucial. While traditional monitoring tools…...
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CRN distingue a Allen Shahdadi como Líder del Canal Inclusivo 2024
FOSTER CITY, Calif., July 10, 2024 — Sycomp A Technology Company, Inc., announced today that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has…...
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Sycomp Servicios de Almacenamiento y Logística
Sycomp combines its IT professional and managed services with world-class warehousing and logistics capabilities, providing global IT and procurement teams…...
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Ficha de datos

Sycomp recapitula los avances en ESG en el Informe 2023
FOSTER CITY, Calif., July 9, 2024 — Sycomp A Technology Company, Inc., released its 2023 Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Report underscoring the…...
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